Year of The Rabbit

More on the Year of the Rabbit - In this video Mariel reflects on lessons from The Year of the Tiger and draws inspiration from virtues of rabbits for the start of the year.

Rabbits have lots of predators, but with their speed and agility they can flee to the safety of their burrows. Rabbits keep up to three burrows at a time! We invite you to join us in drawing inspiration from the rabbit. Identify your burrows. How do you honor the people, places and practices that you call your burrows?

The Lunar New Year is a wonderful opportunity to check in with vows or Vrata. Our philosophy teacher Douglas Brooks says, “In Sanskrit we call such resolve and the act of resolution-making vrata. The simplest translation is “vow” and the reason that suffices is because, if you think about it, we make very few vows in life, take even fewer oaths, and likely spend far too little time thinking about what we are doing when we do. This is where the traditions of India can help again: we must never underestimate the power of contemplation to encourage clarity even if it cannot produce certainty.”

Whether they’ve have fallen to the wayside or are coming to fruition - now is a great time to fine tune your resolutions and implement what is necessary to sustain your vows.

To watch the full length video tune into our replay library via your account. Don’t have a virtual membership? Purchase a Virtual Drop in and search for Mariel’s class on Jan 20, 2023.

For more wisdom on embodying and incorporating Vrata (resolve, resolution-making, a vow) visit


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